
Armor Hero Star Ray - Episode 02

  |  STREAM (HARDSUB)  |  TORRENT (MKV)   | Another really fun episode this time around! I really enjoyed trying to get across Encampent's boorish drunken energy, and the slight old-timey ring to a couple of Jupiter's lines ^^ Our translator is currently about caught up with the Chinese release of the show and according to him it's just getting better and better, so I really can't wait to see more 👀 -CLIPS ------------------------------------ OUR TEAM Translations by @gorgeous_balls Editing by @ArmorHeroClips QC by: MitchellAda (@Christi34139689), & @EnergyPineCat Timing by @purganon KAIJIA -- Armor Hero Fan Server: ------------------------------------ DISCLAIMER It is currently beleived that Gen AI was used in the production of this show. Our subtitle effort should not be confused for an ednorsement of the use of Gen AI in media creation. Our team sincerely hopes that Alpha & Herobox will not continue using such things in ...

Armor Hero Star Ray - Episode 01

  |  STREAM (HARDSUB)  |  TORRENT (MKV)   | Episode 01 is finally here! For people who have been keeping an eye on this show since the first leaks, you know this day is about a full year in the making! So, why is it 15 minutes long? ...Yup! Seriously though, to accomadte for the TV release it was decided to split the initial 18 episodes into 36 half-length episodes so stations could air 4 shows in one block. An odd choice, but it is the choice that was made... In any case... Personally I really enjoyed the episode and I hope you all will as well :) While "Armor Hero Star Ray" will be releasing daily in China. Our fansub *won't* be daily, but we do hope to keep episodes coming out at a decent pace. -CLIPS ------------------------------------ OUR TEAM Translations by @gorgeous_balls Editing by @ArmorHeroClips QC by Gooey (@Gooey18801), MitchellAda (@Christi34139689), & @EnergyPineCat Timing by @purganon, @ArmorHeroClips, + an anonymous volunteer KAIJIA -- Armo...

Armor Hero Star Ray - Trailer Compilation

  |  STREAM (HARDSUB)  |  TORRENT (MKV)  | Consider this a little preview of our upcoming project ^^ “Armor Hero Star Ray” begins airing on December 13th, and will be releasing daily in China. Our fansub won’t be daily, but we do hope to keep episodes coming out at a decent pace. The torrent version here is slightly updated compared to streaming version (especially the opening theme lyrics 👀 ), so consider checking that version out if you're curious! Thanks to anyone and everyone who decides to check out our releases going forward! And an extra special thanks to everyone who's been following us already! If you want to keep up on the latest news, and join fan discussions you should come check out our new discord serve r as well! — Clips ----------------------------------------------------      T R A I L E R       C R E D I T S ---------------------------------------------------- Translations by @gorgeous_balls Editi...

Armor Hero Captor - 04

  |  STREAM (HARDSUB) |  DDL/TORRENT (MKV & HARDUSUB)  | Here's episode 04! We've decided to keep the Captor train running down the tracks!  And to make this project possible we've added some more members to keep things moving along smoothly! Thanks so much to our wonderful team members, and to everyone who enjoyed and/or shared around our last release! — Clips ---------------------------------------------------- E P I S O D E      0 4      C R E D I T S ---------------------------------------------------- Translation by  @gorgeous_balls Timing & Editing by  @ArmorHeroClips QC by Gooey and MitchellAda And a special thanks to Purganon ! ----------------------------------------------------

Looking for Volunteers

Hello! We are looking for volunteers for subbing Armor Hero Captor (and potentially future projects as well), in the hopes that it will make the process of getting through such a large project simpler and more time efficient. As of now we're looking for: One or more Timer(s) -- Job would be to time (and potentially retime) subtitle tracks for the show's dialogue, and on-screen text.   All QC positions have been filled. Thanks so much everyone! ^^ One to Two Quality Control (QC) Reviewers -- Job would be to watch nearly complete episodes and report back on any spotted typos, errors, or lines that were difficult to read/understand. We're still looking for more timers! Experience is a plus, but even if you have ZERO experience, if you're up to learning we'd still love to hear from you! If you have another skill, that you think may be useful to this project that isn't already listed above, we'd still be more than happy to hear from you! Please send an email to...

Armor Hero Captor - Episode 03

|  STREAM (HARDSUB) | DDL/TORRENT (MKV) | Here it is, the first ever release for our new subgroup "KAIJIA"! We're hoping to be able to provide Armor Hero fans with a way to watch more of the series in English going forward! Still... You might be wondering... 'Why Captor Episode 03 ??' Well, for those who don't know Episode 01 already has an existing fansub that is plenty watchable.  While oddly enough  Episode 02 can be watched with official subs on YouTube , all you have to do is hit that CC button! And with a certain series on the horizon 👀 we wanted to do a test episode to see how we'd work together, what our style would be like, and generally work out any issues before  taking on any major projects, and that's how we settled on Captor Episode 03! Hopefully we'll have more to share with you in the future, but that's all for today 😋 Thanks for taking a look at our first release! ^-^ — Clips ---------------------------------------------...