Looking for Volunteers


We are looking for volunteers for subbing Armor Hero Captor (and potentially future projects as well), in the hopes that it will make the process of getting through such a large project simpler and more time efficient.

As of now we're looking for:

  • One or more Timer(s) -- Job would be to time (and potentially retime) subtitle tracks for the show's dialogue, and on-screen text. All QC positions have been filled. Thanks so much everyone! ^^
  • One to Two Quality Control (QC) Reviewers -- Job would be to watch nearly complete episodes and report back on any spotted typos, errors, or lines that were difficult to read/understand. We're still looking for more timers!
Experience is a plus, but even if you have ZERO experience, if you're up to learning we'd still love to hear from you!

If you have another skill, that you think may be useful to this project that isn't already listed above, we'd still be more than happy to hear from you!

Please send an email to kaijiasubs@gmail.com (Or if email isn't an option for you, you can try sending a DM to @ArmorHeroClips on twitter)

Thanks for taking the time to read this message! ^^



NOTE: All volunteers will receive a credit on the opening theme title card of episodes, and here on our blog post releases (as me and @gorgeous_balls are already).
This can be a social media @, a handle of your choice, or a name (however, certain phrases and words may not be allowable at our discretion).
You may also choose to go uncredited if for any reason you'd prefer that.


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